# Title Multisensor Dataset of Elstar Moje-Feindt Apple Trees During Bloom Stage --- Captured in the Altes Land Region, Northern Germany in Spring 2024 # Abstract This dataset captures the bloom stage of Elstar Moje-Feindt apple trees in a commercial orchard located in the Altes Land region of northern Germany during the 2024 growing season. The apple trees, planted in 2017, are arranged in a narrow spindle system with a spacing of approximately 1 meter. Data collection was carried out on April 15, 2024, at 10:59 AM under light drizzle conditions and lasted for 8 minutes and 32 seconds, with both sides of the row of 238 apple trees being traversed at an average speed of 3.5 km/h. The dataset was recorded using a ground-based multisensor platform and includes raw data from high-resolution 20MP Basler cameras at a frame rate of 5 fps, 128-layer LiDAR data at a frequency of 10 Hz, IMU data at 500 Hz, and RTK GNSS data at 10 Hz. # Authors Frederick Blome(1), David Berschauer(1), Moritz Wilhelm Hentzschel(2) (1) Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, Stade, Germany (2) ESTEBURG - Fruit Advisory Service of the Altes Land (OVR), Jork, Germany # Data Description The dataset contains a rosbag file that can be read using tools from the Robot Operating System (ROS). It includes the following topics: ``` topics: /gpsfix: msgs: 5124 msgs_type: gps_common/GPSFix /imu/data: msgs: 256222 msgs_type: sensor_msgs/Imu /ouster/points: msgs: 5124 msgs_type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 /ublox/fix: msgs: 5124 msgs_type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix ``` Additionally, two zip folders are attached containing the RGB data from two Basler ace 2 cameras, which were recorded at the highest possible resolution (4608 x 5328). The cameras are arranged in a stereo setup with approximately 13 cm distance between them. Each frame is named as follows: `{imageid}_{unix_epoch_timestamp_seconds}-{milliseconds}.jpg`. The file `A27_Elstar_Moje_tree_locations.geojson` contains the exact measured tree locations in the field. These locations were measured with RTK-GNSS precision of approximately 1.4 cm. # Contact Refer to publictaion for more details. Feel free to contact frederick.blome@ifam.fraunhofer.de for more questions or additional information. # Acknowledgment This dataset was created within the scope of the project SAMSON (Smart automation systems and services for fruit cultivation in the lower elbe region), which is supported by funds of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany based on a decision of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The project is a collaborative initiative involving the Fruit Growing Center Estebug, Fraunhofer IFAM, Hamburg University of Applied Science, HS21 Buxtehude and the Technical University Hamburg. The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany provides coordinating support for digitisation in agriculture as funding organisation, grant number FKZ 28DE201B21. # License The data set is published under the CC–BY 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en).