Browsing by Fraunhofer Institutes: ISE Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme

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Showing results 4 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Comparison of inline crack detection systems for multicrystalline silicon solar cellsGreulich, Johannes; Demant, Matthias; Kunze, Philipp; Dost, Georg; Ramspeck, Klaus; Vetter, Andreas; Probst, Christian
2022Complex refractive indices of Spiro-TTB and C60Sittinger, Volker; Schulze, Patricia S.C.; Messmer, Christoph A.; Pflug, Andreas; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
2024Evaluation of a local heating network supplied by a pyrolysis plantSchölles, Michael; Nienborg, Björn; Bier, Harald
2023Export Potentials of Green Hydrogen - Methodology for a Techno-Economic Assessment. Annex A.1 - Modeling parametersPieton, Natalia; Abdel-Khalek, Hazem; Graf, Marieke Emilie Anna; Drechsler, Björn; Lenivova, Veronika; Nolden, Christoph; Bergup, Emily Felicitas; Sinha, Mohammad; Fragoso García, Joshua; Franke, Katja; Kleinschmitt, Christoph; Müller, Viktor Paul; Wietschel, Martin; Holst, Marius; Weise, Friedrich; Voglstätte, Christopher
6-Jun-2023Natürliches Lüftungsverhalten und Anforderungen an mechanische Lüftungssysteme - eine Studie in der deutschen BevölkerungMaier, Diana; Berneiser, Jessica
Nov-2020remUCPS - rate equation model of upconversion dynamics including photonic structure effectsHofmann, Clarissa Lea Maja; Eriksen, Emil Haldrup; Bläsi, Benedikt; Hallermann, Florian; Fischer, Stefan; Fröhlich, Benjamin; Gutmann, Johannes; Herter, Barbara; Löper, Philipp; Steinkemper, Heiko; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
10-Mar-2020Repräsentative empirische Erhebung zur Investitionsbereitschaft in alternative AntriebeBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte
1-Apr-2020Repräsentative empirische Erhebung zur Investitionsbereitschaft in PV-BatteriesystemeBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Fluri, Verena; Steingrube, Annette
1-Aug-2023Scanning acoustic microscope images for the localization of defects inside dummy pouch cellsPitta Bauermann, Luciana
Feb-2024Sustainable Heat Supply for Greenhouses with Heatpumps - Dataset for the simulationChaigneau, Matthieu