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1-Mär-2024Adsorptive Heat Transformation Calculation ScriptsVelte-Schäfer, Andreas; Teicht, Christian; Stahlhut, Maximilian; May, Thomas; Herrmann, Ralph; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Füldner, Gerrit
2019Aero-Elastic Simulation Time Series of IWT7.5 Reference TurbinePopko, Wojciech
19-Aug-2024Aluminum Plates Dual DatasetMao, Runzhou; Fulir, Juraj; Garth, Christoph; Gospodnetic, Petra
2022The analysis of fluorescence fluctuations by means of the mean single-molecule rate (mSMR) [source data]Sparrenberg, Lorenz
2023Analyzing the regulatory framework gaps for gas distribution networks with decreasing natural gas demand in GermanyOberle, Stella; Gnann, Till; Wayas, Louis; Wietschel, Martin
19-Feb-2022Anrufgründe bei medizinischen Notfällen: Entwicklung eines strukturierten semantischen Modells auf Basis einer randomisierten Stichprobe medizinischer Hilfeersuche einer integrierten RettungsleitstelleHippler, Barbara; Elsenbast, Christian
13-Nov-2023Archiv der Primärdaten zur Doktorarbeit "Dotierungen von tetraedrisch amorphem Kohlenstoff zur Steigerung der Schadenstoleranz und der Temperaturstabilität"Zawischa, Martin
25-Nov-2022Archive of Primary Data for Doctoral Dissertation "Scenario-based Derivation of Digital Ecosystem Requirements"Koch, Matthias
2021Artificially generated crystallographic textures of steel sheets and their corresponding properties calculated by a Taylor-type crystal plasticity modelMorand, Lukas; Iraki, Tarek; Dornheim, Johannes; Pagenkopf, Jan; Helm, Dirk
1-Dez-2023Assured Resilience in Autonomous Systems – Supplementary MaterialWeiß, Gereon; Gansloser, Jens; Schwaiger, Adrian; Henne, Maximilian
23-Aug-2024Attitude of Emergency Dispatchers Towards Artificial Intelligence – A Black Box of ExpectationsElsenbast, Christian
Okt-2023Automatic Deduction of the Impact of Context Variability on System Safety Goals - Supplementary Material for EDCC 2024 PaperKreutz, Andreas
31-Mai-2022Auxiliary data tables relating process parameters and parameters of the Herschel-Bulkley rheology model to a deformation profileDietemann, Bastien; Bierwisch, Claas
2023B3AMpy: Beamforming Toolbox for three-component ambient seismic noiseFinger, Claudia; Löer, Katrin
2024Barrel Pile Instance SegmentationJordan, Florian; Baum, Winfried; Frese, Christian
Jun-2023Basic Adsorption Heat Exchanger Theory Calculation ScriptsVelte-Schäfer, Andreas
15-Apr-2020Befragung zum individuellen Flugverhalten innerhalb Deutschlands und EuropasBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte
15-Dez-2021BioMates - Coding of identifiers for WP1-samples and -blendsHeil, Volker
18-Feb-2022BioMates - Mapping of samples – Deliverables in WP1: Novel pyrolysis oil from non-food/feed biomassHeil, Volker
25-Okt-2021BioMates - WP1: Novel pyrolysis oil from non-food/feed biomass - Data sheet: Identifiers for samples and blendsHeil, Volker; Schulzke, Tim