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dc.contributor.authorManz, Pia-
dc.contributor.authorFleiter, Tobias-
dc.contributor.authorEichhammer, Wolfgang-
dc.description.abstractThe two datasets are supplement to the publication Manz, Pia; Fleiter, Tobias; Eichhammer, Wolfang: "The effect of low-carbon processes on industrial excess heat potentials for district heating in the EU: a GIS-based analysis" (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segy.2023.100103). Excess heat from industrial processes can be utilized in district heating networks, thereby reducing the primary energy demand and possibly CO2 emissions for district heating generation. Many studies found a substantial potential of industrial excess heat; however, they did not systematically consider the potential future changes in the energy system that will affect the potential excess heat utilization. Industrial production will transform to low-carbon processes and district heating needs to be generated without fossil fuels. Here, we quantify industrial excess heat by spatial matching for the EU-27, considering the impact of the transformation to a climate-neutral energy system. In a first step, excess heat potentials from energy-intensive industries are identified as point sources, taking into account process changes. In a subsequent step, the excess heat potentials are spatially matched to district heating areas with a GIS-based approach. The results show, that available excess heat will reduce significantly due to industry transformation. At the same time, the utilization potential could be increased by lower district heating system temperatures and by an expansion of district heating areas, resulting in 3 - 36 TWh/a. Locally, there is a significant contribution of industrial excess heat in the future, even though the major share will need to be supplied by renewables.en
dc.description.sponsorshipFraunhofer Cluster of Excellence "Integrated Energy Systems" (CINES)en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal paper publication: Manz, P; Fleiter, T.; Eichhammer, W.: The effect of climate-neutral processes on industrial excess heat potentials for district heating in the EU: a GIS-based analysis, Smart Energy, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segy.2023.100103-
dc.subjectindustrial excess heaten
dc.subjectwaste heaten
dc.subjectdistrict heatingen
dc.subjectindustrial processesen
dc.subjectgeographical information systemen
dc.subjectspatial analysisen
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectenergy system transformationen
dc.titleThe effect of low-carbon processes on industrial excess heat potentials for district heating in the EU: a GIS-based analysisen
dc.typeTabular Dataen
dc.contributor.funderFraunhofer-Gesellschaft FhGen
dc.description.technicalinformationOpen in Microsoft Excel.en
dc.description.technicalinformationData of excess heat sources are georeferenced with coordinates, open in GIS (WGS 84 (4326))en
dc.relation.issupplementedbyPublication in the Pan-European Thermal Atlas (peta 5.2.)-
fordatis.instituteISI Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschungen
Appears in Collections:Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI

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Data_ExcessHeat.xlsxThe file contains two datasets that are described in the journal publication "The effect of low-carbon processes on industrial excess heat potentials for district heating in the EU: a GIS-based analysis575,78 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLDownload/Open

Version History
Version Item Date Summary
2 fordatis/316.2 2023-04-12 17:51:18.751 DOI der zugehörigen Publikation bekannt
1 fordatis/316 2023-03-23 15:56:04.0

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