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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorLehr, Jan-
dc.contributor.authorPhilipps, Jan-
dc.contributor.authorSargsyan, Alik-
dc.contributor.authorBotschen, Maximilian-
dc.contributor.authorGevorgyan, Shoghik-
dc.contributor.authorPaust, Anna-Maria-
dc.contributor.authorPape, Martin-
dc.contributor.authorNguyen Hoang, Viet-
dc.description.abstractVIADUCT data set provides 49 categories of industrial objects with corresponding 135 defect categories.en
dc.subjectanomaly detectionen
dc.subjectindustrial anomaly detectionen
dc.subjectautomated optical inspectionen
dc.subjectquality controlen
dc.subjectvisual inspectionen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaftenen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::670 Industrielle Fertigungen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke::000 Informatik, Wissen, Systemeen
dc.titleVIADUCT: Multisector data set for Visual Industrial Anomaly Detectionen
dc.contributor.funderBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF (Deutschland)en
dc.description.technicalinformationThe data set consists exclusively of PNG files. Each category is divided into the sub-followers train, val, test and ground truth. Only defect-free images are in the train and val directory. In the test directory are the sub-folders for each defect category and the category "good" (defect-free). The annotations (also called ground truth or labels) for the images in the defect category directories are located in the ground truth directory mentioned above. The so-called anomaly maps are binary and mark with white on black pixels where the defect is in the image.en
fordatis.instituteIPK Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechniken
fordatis.sponsorship.projectnameVerbundprojekt: VIADUCT - Aufwandsverkleinerung von KI Anwendungen in der Industrie durch Reduzierung von Trainingsdatenen
Appears in Collections:Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
00 shredded corn rough.zipshredded corn rough1,92 GBZIPDownload/Open
01 shredded corn medium.zipshredded corn medium2,67 GBZIPDownload/Open
02 shredded corn fine.zipshredded corn fine2,22 GBZIPDownload/Open
03 3-pole socket housing.zip3-pole socket housing302,95 MBZIPDownload/Open
04 battery tray.zipbattery tray321,27 MBZIPDownload/Open
05 cable end sleeve.zipcable end sleeve61,97 MBZIPDownload/Open
06 coaxial t-adapter.zipcoaxial t-adapter210,39 MBZIPDownload/Open
07 d-sub connector.zipd-sub connector125,14 MBZIPDownload/Open
08 ethernet connector.zipethernet connector51,26 MBZIPDownload/Open
09 joystick.zipjoystick121,17 MBZIPDownload/Open
10 PCB.zipPCB870,84 MBZIPDownload/Open
11 ring cable lug.zipring cable lug53,45 MBZIPDownload/Open
12 rotary encoder.ziprotary encoder47,03 MBZIPDownload/Open
13 socket housing.zipsocket housing210,43 MBZIPDownload/Open
14 terminal block A.zipterminal block A555,01 MBZIPDownload/Open
15 terminal block B.zipterminal block B538,54 MBZIPDownload/Open
16 vibration sensor.zipvibration sensor8,8 MBZIPDownload/Open
17 cherry.zipcherry725,02 MBZIPDownload/Open
18 raspberry.zipraspberry274,63 MBZIPDownload/Open
19 strawberry.zipstrawberry824,91 MBZIPDownload/Open
21 cylinder screw.zipcylinder screw125,6 MBZIPDownload/Open
22 device box.zipdevice box147,84 MBZIPDownload/Open
23 pipe clamp.zippipe clamp270,94 MBZIPDownload/Open
24 pan screw.zippan screw394,79 MBZIPDownload/Open
25 reinforcing sleeve.zipreinforcing sleeve23,98 MBZIPDownload/Open
26 hose screw fitting.ziphose screw fitting160,72 MBZIPDownload/Open
27 L-fitting.zipL-fitting118,98 MBZIPDownload/Open
28 key.zipkey45,77 MBZIPDownload/Open
29 threaded fitting.zipthreaded fitting407,79 MBZIPDownload/Open
30 valve handle blue.zipvalve handle blue235,86 MBZIPDownload/Open
31 valve handle red.zipvalve handle red207,43 MBZIPDownload/Open
32 bone pliers.zipbone pliers210,04 MBZIPDownload/Open
33 drill.zipdrill116,37 MBZIPDownload/Open
34 oblong pill.zipoblong pill433,95 MBZIPDownload/Open
35 pink tablet.zippink tablet62,29 MBZIPDownload/Open
36 redon needle.zipredon needle75,28 MBZIPDownload/Open
37 retractor.zipretractor208,09 MBZIPDownload/Open
38 round pill.zipround pill76,58 MBZIPDownload/Open
39 self-tapping bolt.zipself-tapping bolt80,74 MBZIPDownload/Open
40 surgical mask.zipsurgical mask811,25 MBZIPDownload/Open
41 white tablet.zipwhite tablet274,42 MBZIPDownload/Open
42 aluminium plate.zipaluminium plate1,12 GBZIPDownload/Open
43 paperclip.zippaperclip25,29 MBZIPDownload/Open
44 tack.ziptack26,14 MBZIPDownload/Open
45 damper large.zipdamper large122,47 MBZIPDownload/Open
46 damper small.zipdamper small29,26 MBZIPDownload/Open
47 mains tester.zipmains tester34,16 MBZIPDownload/Open
48 saw blade.zipsaw blade30,7 MBZIPDownload/Open
Datasheet_VIADUCT.pdf9 MBAdobe PDFDownload/Open

Version History
Version Item Date Summary
2 fordatis/363.2 2024-12-16 19:20:46.174 Ergänzung des Objekts: 20
1 fordatis/363 2024-07-09 12:06:29.0

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