Auflistung nach Fraunhofer-Verbünde: Innovationsforschung

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2021Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of C12A7:e- ceramicWätzig, Katja; Schilm, Jochen
1-Jul-2021CovidRestrict: mobility restrictions in German Federal States in 2020Karaulova, Maria; Kroll, Henning
10-Mär-2025Evidence Contextualization and Counterfactual Attribution for Conversational QA over Heterogeneous Data with RAG SystemsSaha Roy, Rishiraj; Schlotthauer, Joel; Hinze, Chris; Foltyn, Andreas; Hahn, Luzian; Küch, Fabian
Okt-2019First International Mutual Learning Workshop DocumentationFan, Cheng; Daimer, Stephanie; Rasenescu, Anna; Teufel, Benjamin; Lindner, Ralf
26-Sep-2019Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Fraunhofer-GesellschaftWuchner, Andrea
Okt-2019JERRI Action plan workshop documentation FhGWarnke, Philine; Röß, Andreas; Reimoser, Cornelia
Okt-2019JERRI Goal Setting Documentation TNONauta, Joram; Röß, Andreas
Okt-2019JERRI Goal setting workshop documentation FhGTeufel, Benjamin; Röß, Andreas
Okt-2019JERRI International interviewsDaimer , Stephanie; Berghäuser, Hendrik; Fan, Cheng
Okt-2019JERRI Interviews barriers FhGWarnke, Philine; Röß, Andreas; Mundt, Ingmar
Okt-2019JERRI Interviews barriers TNONauta, Joram; Steen, Marc; Röß, Andreas
Okt-2019JERRI Preliminary comparision of RTOsJoignant, Anne; Teufel, Benjamin
Okt-2019JERRI state of the art interviewsTeufel, Benjamin; Nauta, Joram
Sep-2024Personas aus dem Forschungsprojekt MANTRAKubach, Michael; Horch, Andrea
20-Nov-2023Templates zum Leitfaden zur Durchführung von KI-ProjektenKutzias, Damian; Dukino, Claudia; Leuteritz, Jan-Paul