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Okt-2023Automatic Deduction of the Impact of Context Variability on System Safety Goals - Supplementary Material for EDCC 2024 PaperKreutz, Andreas
2024Barrel Pile Instance SegmentationJordan, Florian; Baum, Winfried; Frese, Christian
Jan-2024BlessemFlood21: Advancing Flood Analysis with a high-resolution georeferenced dataset for humanitarian aid supportPolushko, Vladyslav
19-Okt-2023CherrySet - A comprehensive dataset of three cherry trees throughout the 2023 seasonGilson, Andreas; Meyer, Lukas; Uhrmann, Franz; Killer, Annika; Scholz, Oliver; Keil, Fabian; Stamminger, Marc; Kittemann, Dominikus; Noack, Patrick
Apr-2020Comparison of inline crack detection systems for multicrystalline silicon solar cellsGreulich, Johannes; Demant, Matthias; Kunze, Philipp; Dost, Georg; Ramspeck, Klaus; Vetter, Andreas; Probst, Christian
3-Jun-2022Dataset for multi-camera depth reconstructionZiegler, Matthias
Okt-2023EDDA - Mozambique post disaster building damage datasetHatic, Damjan
2019EIPPBM_IFIPSummerSchool: Image "End-User Information Privacy Protection Behavior"Ebbers, Frank
2021Experimental and Computational Micromechanical Fatigue Damage Initiation DataDurmaz, Ali Riza; Natkowski, Erik
1-Okt-2023FlexSense Infrastructure Sensor Dataset: Road Side Infrared Image and 4D Radar Point Cloud for Traffic AnalysisHan, Longfei
2023Grain size classification round-robin datasetDurmaz, Ali Riza; Potu, Sai Teja; Nützel, Ralf; Romich, Daniel
20-Dez-2024HairWidthCracks datasetGeng, Alexander; Moghiseh, Ali
Mai-2023Hyperspectral Near-infrared Dataset of Bulky WasteRoming, Lukas; Aderhold, Jochen; Čibiraitė-Lukenskienė, Dovilė; Bihler, Manuel; Schlüter, Friedrich
2023InVar-100: Industrial Objects in Varied Contexts DatasetLehr, Jan; Chavan, Vivek; Koch, Paul; Schlüter, Marian; Briese, Clemens
2023iPSC colony, acquired with high-speed microscopeNießing, Bastian; Piotrowski, Tobias
2018Mit dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop (REM) erzeugte Aufnahmen von Bruchflächen von Metallen für eine spätere statistische AuswertungPreußner, Johannes; Bellmer, Mathis Julian
2-Nov-2023MVIP: A Dataset for Industrial Part RecognitionKoch, Paul; Schlüter, Marian; Briese, Clemens; Chavan, Vivek
21-Sep-2019Non-planar inside-out dense light-field dataset and reconstruction pipelineZakeri, Faezeh Sadat; Durmush, Ahmed; Ziegler, Matthias; Bätz, Michel; Keinert, Joachim
2024PICtor - BeispielmarkierungenFaulhaber, Max; Wiesing, Martin
1-Aug-2023Scanning acoustic microscope images for the localization of defects inside dummy pouch cellsPitta Bauermann, Luciana