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Showing results 14 to 33 of 181 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023B3AMpy: Beamforming Toolbox for three-component ambient seismic noiseFinger, Claudia; Löer, Katrin
2024Barrel Pile Instance SegmentationJordan, Florian; Baum, Winfried; Frese, Christian
Jun-2023Basic Adsorption Heat Exchanger Theory Calculation ScriptsVelte-Schäfer, Andreas
15-Apr-2020Befragung zum individuellen Flugverhalten innerhalb Deutschlands und EuropasBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte
15-Dec-2021BioMates - Coding of identifiers for WP1-samples and -blendsHeil, Volker
18-Feb-2022BioMates - Mapping of samples – Deliverables in WP1: Novel pyrolysis oil from non-food/feed biomassHeil, Volker
25-Oct-2021BioMates - WP1: Novel pyrolysis oil from non-food/feed biomass - Data sheet: Identifiers for samples and blendsHeil, Volker; Schulzke, Tim
Jan-2024BlessemFlood21: Advancing Flood Analysis with a high-resolution georeferenced dataset for humanitarian aid supportPolushko, Vladyslav
1-Aug-2024Can Large Language Models (LLMs) compete with Human Requirement Reviewers? - Replication of an Inspection Experiment on Requirements DocumentsSeifert, Daniel; Jöckel, Lisa; Honroth, Thorsten; Trendowicz, Adam; Jedlitschk, Andreas; Ciolkowski, Marcus
19-Oct-2023CherrySet - A comprehensive dataset of three cherry trees throughout the 2023 seasonGilson, Andreas; Meyer, Lukas; Uhrmann, Franz; Killer, Annika; Scholz, Oliver; Keil, Fabian; Stamminger, Marc; Kittemann, Dominikus; Noack, Patrick
28-Nov-2019Chiller System Simulation and OptimizationThiele, Gregor; Clauss, Rico; Krüger, Jörg; Heimann, Oliver
2021Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of C12A7:e- ceramicWätzig, Katja; Schilm, Jochen
Jan-2021Compact Model for a Silicon Single Electron Transistor in a Stacked Nanopillar - Implementations in HSPICE and EXCEL/VBAKlüpfel, Fabian J.; Pichler, Peter
Apr-2020Comparison of inline crack detection systems for multicrystalline silicon solar cellsGreulich, Johannes; Demant, Matthias; Kunze, Philipp; Dost, Georg; Ramspeck, Klaus; Vetter, Andreas; Probst, Christian
2022Complex refractive indices of Spiro-TTB and C60Sittinger, Volker; Schulze, Patricia S.C.; Messmer, Christoph A.; Pflug, Andreas; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
31-May-2021Condition Monitoring of Drive Trains by Data Fusion of Acoustic Emission and Vibration SensorsMey, Oliver; Schneider, André; Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf; Mayer, Dirk; Schmidt, Christian; Klein, Samuel; Herrmann, Hans-Georg
1-Jul-2021CovidRestrict: mobility restrictions in German Federal States in 2020Karaulova, Maria; Kroll, Henning
2023CrossTestKarch, Markus; Rösch, Dennis; Kummerow, Andre; Meshram, Ankush; Haas, Christian; Nicolai, Steffen
Jun-2021CROWDSS: A crowdsourced, ecologically-valid dialogue dataset for GermanFrommherz, Yannick; Zarcone, Alessandra
2023Crystallographic texture-property data set originating from a simulated multi-step metal forming processMorand, Lukas; Iraki, Tarek; Helm, Dirk