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Showing results 138 to 157 of 181 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jun-2021Raw Data: Gas phase lubrication study with an organic friction modifierEickworth, Jennifer; Wagner, Jonas; Daum, Philipp
31-Jan-2022Reference data sets for the detection of anomalies in the manufacturing process of cutting machine toolsLowis, Steffen
Nov-2020remUCPS - rate equation model of upconversion dynamics including photonic structure effectsHofmann, Clarissa Lea Maja; Eriksen, Emil Haldrup; Bläsi, Benedikt; Hallermann, Florian; Fischer, Stefan; Fröhlich, Benjamin; Gutmann, Johannes; Herter, Barbara; Löper, Philipp; Steinkemper, Heiko; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
17-May-2023Reparatur vs. Austausch bei Unfallschäden an PkwBertling, Jürgen; Schulte, Anna; Röttgen, Janek
10-Oct-2022Reports from Hydrofracturing Tests Performed in the Greater Ruhr Region (Germany) between 1986 and 1995Kruszewski, Michal; Klee, Gerd; Niederhuber, Thomas; Heidbach, Oliver
10-Mar-2020Repräsentative empirische Erhebung zur Investitionsbereitschaft in alternative AntriebeBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte
1-Apr-2020Repräsentative empirische Erhebung zur Investitionsbereitschaft in PV-BatteriesystemeBerneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Fluri, Verena; Steingrube, Annette
2023Responses of the European IoT ecosystem to the GDPREbbers, Frank; Friedwald, Michael
1-Aug-2023Scanning acoustic microscope images for the localization of defects inside dummy pouch cellsPitta Bauermann, Luciana
Oct-2019SemanGit: A Linked Dataset from gitKubitza, Dennis Oliver; Böckmann, Matthias; Graux, Damien
Jan-2024SensorenWeber, Mike; Opiela, Nicole; Krenn, Karoline; Gumz, Jan Dennis; Hölscher, Ines
2021Sets of exemplary microstructure-property data generated via active learning and numerical simulationsMorand, Lukas; Iraki, Tarek; Dornheim, Johannes; Link, Norbert; Helm, Dirk
2021Simulation data set for deep drawing cups of DC04 steel sheetsMorand, Lukas; Baiker, Maria; Pagenkopf, Jan; Butz, Alexander; Helm, Dirk
2024Simulation Decision Matrix_Analytical Hierarchy Process_raw data_expert surveySchade, René
2021Simulation of texture evolution for a multi-step metal forming processMorand, Lukas; Dornheim, Johannes; Pagenkopf, Jan; Helm, Dirk
Nov-2023Smart HomeWeber, Mike; Krenn, Karoline; Opiela, Nicole; Welzel, Christian
2023Smarter Evolution: Enhancing Evolutionary Black Box Fuzzing with Adaptive ModelsBorcherding, Anne; Morawetz, Martin; Pfrang, Steffen
24-Jul-2020Software solution for life data analysisKrämer, Jonathan
8-Apr-2024Soil organic carbon of land use impacts in life cycle assessmentDe Laurentiis, Valeria; Maier, Stephanie; Horn, Rafael; Uusitalo, Ville; Hiederer, Roland; Bessou, Cecile; Morais, Tiago; Grant, Tim; Milà i Canals, Llorenç; Sala, Serenella
26-Jul-2023Spatial analysis of renewable and excess heat potentials for climate-neutral district heating in EuropeManz, Pia; Billerbeck, Anna; Fallahnejad, Mostafa