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electricity load profile_total.xlsxA summarized electricity load profile for one exemplary year for all buildings in the district, including commercial and residential buildings. The electricity demand of all commercial buildings was obtained from electricity measurements requested from the local energy supplier. The demand profiles for residential buildings were simulated using the open-acces software SynPRO from Fraunhofer ISE.185,98 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLDownload/Open
heat load profile_total_heating period.xlsxA summarized heating load profile for one exemplary year for all buildings in the district with a heating period from October to April. The heating demand of the respective buildings in the district was simulated with a building model according to DIN EN ISO 52016-1 using a test reference year for the city of Freiburg from the Deutscher Wetterdienst.149,86 kBMicrosoft Excel XMLDownload/Open

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