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dc.contributor.authorDurmaz, Ali Riza-
dc.contributor.authorThomas, Akhil-
dc.contributor.authorMishra, Lokesh-
dc.contributor.authorNiranjan Murthy, Rachana-
dc.contributor.authorStraub, Thomas-
dc.description.abstractThis repository contains named-entity recognition (NER) datasets for four materials science and engineering (MSE) publications and utility functions to handle the data. The scope of the scholarly articles used as a basis is crystallographic defects, microstructure, mechanical properties in particular fatigue. Each annotation corresponds to a class in a materials science domain ontology called materials mechanics ontology. This should prospectively enable linking materials knowledge and data to facilitate training neurosymbolic machine learning models. Two dataset variants are published: coarse-granular named-entity recognition (CG-NER) where the annotated concepts are high-level ontological classes fine-granular named-entity recognition (FG-NER) where the annotated concepts are low-level ontological classes Aside from the link to the ontology a characteristic of the dataset is its high degree of of annotation. Namely, 179 distinct ontological classes and 27% of all tokens are annotated in the fine-granular dataset.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors express their gratitude to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the funding in the scope of the iBain project (13XP5118B) as part of MaterialDigital.en
dc.subjectNamed entity recognitionen
dc.subjectMaterials science and engineeringen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werkeen
dc.titleMaterioMiner - An ontology-based text mining dataset for extraction of process-structure-property entitiesen
dc.typeTabular Dataen
dc.contributor.funderBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF (Deutschland)en
dc.description.technicalinformationPlease follow the readme.md file.en
fordatis.groupWerkstoffe, Bauteileen
fordatis.instituteIWM Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechaniken
fordatis.sponsorship.projectnameIntelligent data-guided process design for fatigue-resistant steel components using the example of bainitic microstructureen
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM

Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
Datei Beschreibung GrößeFormat 
materio-miner-1.0.0.zipZip file corresponding to release 1.0.0 of the MaterioMiner dataset repository570,05 kBZIPÖffnen/Download

Version Ressource Datum Zusammenfassung
2 fordatis/385.2 2024-08-13 16:28:07.74 A new version of the ontology is linked which adds descriptions for all classes, normalizes the rdfs:label, and adds owl property characteristics of a few object properties. The data subsets' names are changed to "fine-grained" and "coarse-grained".
1 fordatis/385 2024-03-18 12:19:29.0

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