Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
Real_clean.zipContains images from multiple viewpoints of clean real steel plates.448,88 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Real_defected.zipContains images from multiple viewpoints of real steel plates containing defects and the only subset containing corresponding defect masks.378,04 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic clean plates.248,2 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth_90deglight.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic clean plates augmented by 90 degree rotation of the original hexagonal light source.250,39 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth_biglight.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic clean plates augmented by doubling the size of the original hexagonal light source.263,1 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth_WS.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic plates with synthetic waterstains.250,77 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth_WS_90deglight.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic plates with synthetic waterstains augmented by 90 degree rotation of the original hexagonal light source.252,81 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Synth_WS_biglight.zipContains images from single viewpoint of synthetic plates with synthetic waterstains augmented by doubling the size of the original hexagonal light source.266,04 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
readme.mdDescription of the dataset detailing the usage of the subsets and classes.3,06 kBTextÖffnen/Download
DDC Klassifikation Schlagworte Fraunhofer-Verbund

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