Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
Dataset Teaser (samples).pdfTeaser images of all the textures and object instances.3,33 MBAdobe PDFVorschauÖffnen/Download
Real.zipReal part of the dataset.541,96 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
SynthPreprocess_CNR0_05.zipSynthetic part of the dataset.730,13 MBZIPÖffnen/Download
Readme_Real.mdReadme file on the usage of real part of the dataset.3,02 kBTextÖffnen/Download
Readme_Synth.mdReadme file on the usage of synthetic part of the dataset.3,16 kBTextÖffnen/Download
DDC Klassifikation Schlagworte Förderer Fraunhofer-Verbund

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