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dc.contributor.authorKiesewetter, Lisa-
dc.contributor.authorWußmann, Maximiliane-
dc.contributor.authorGroeber-Becker, Florian-
dc.contributor.otherJannasch, Maren-
dc.contributor.otherBausch, Renate-
dc.contributor.otherWitt, Joana-
dc.description.abstractCollected research data (measurements) for in vitro full-thickness skin models from three biological donors A, B, C, which were injured with pressure-induced wounds employing a magnet. The data tables list the results of metabolic analyses (glucose, lactate), viability markers (lactate dehydrogenase), as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and analysis of protein levels over the various durations of the pressure treatment and subsequent reperfusion phase, which support the figures in the publication.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOur work was funded by the Central Innovation Program (ZIM) by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with grant agreement number ZF 4353102NK7. We acknowledge the collaboration with the Prisman GmbH and thank especially Dr. Kathrin Benzig for her scientific supporten
dc.subjectTissue Engineeringen
dc.subjectin vitroen
dc.subjectTest systemen
dc.subjectfull-thickness skin equivalenten
dc.subject.ddcDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::570 Biowissenschaften; Biologieen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::600 Technik::600 Technik, Technologieen
dc.titleUnder pressure: Mimicking bedsores with full-thickness skin equivalents in vitroen
dc.typeTabular Dataen
dc.contributor.funderBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz BMWK (Deutschland)en
dc.description.technicalinformationcsv data tables (to be read with Microsoft Excel or any text editor)en
dc.title.translatedUnter Druck: Nachahmung von Druckgeschwüren mit in vitro Vollhautmodellenen
fordatis.instituteISC Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschungen
fordatis.sponsorship.FundingProgrammeZentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)en
fordatis.sponsorship.projectidZF 4353102NK7en
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC

Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
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Figure2_Lactate.csvLactate production in mM for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.787 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_LDH.csvLactate deyhrodgenase release in U/l for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.387 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_RelativeROS.csvRelative reactive oxygen species synthesis in % of untreated models, for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.685 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure3_DermalThickness.csvDermal thicknesses in µm resulting histological pictures of full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 3.537 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure3_EpidermalThickness.csvEpidermal thicknesses in µm resulting histological pictures of full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 3.480 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure6_LDH.csvLactate deyhrodgenase release in U/l for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment and 20h reperfusion. Data underlying Figure 6.426 BCSVÖffnen/Download
FIgure6_RelativeROS.csvRelative reactive oxygen species synthesis in % of untreated models, for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment and 20h reperfusion. Data underlying Figure 6.538 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_Glucose.csvGlucose consumption in mM for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.774 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure5_PixelDensitiyofProteinLevels.csvRelative change of pixel density of protein levels after 4-hour compression resulting chemiluminescent images of humane cytokine proteome arrays, normalized to a positive reference spot (set to 100 %) for three donors A, B, C. Skin models with 4h compression and 20h reperfusion set in relation to untreated skin models.4,04 kBCSVÖffnen/Download

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