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dc.contributor.advisorImmenhauser, Adrian-
dc.contributor.authorJagert, Felix-
dc.contributor.authorGüldenhaupt, Jonas-
dc.contributor.authorChatziliadou, Maria-
dc.contributor.otherMacit, Osman-
dc.contributor.otherKrämer, Jonas-
dc.contributor.otherLehmann, Jonas Enno-
dc.contributor.otherBussmann, Gregor-
dc.description.abstractThe investigation of karst aquifers is inherently challenging due to their heterogeneous nature. A new borehole, measuring 224 metres in depth, was drilled into the 'Massenkalk' formation in the Steltenberg quarry at Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with the objective of investigating its potential as a geothermal reservoir analogue (Coordinates of well R1: 401398 / 5690212 UTM 32N). Geophysical logging and camera runs revealed the presence of highly permeable karst structures, which visually displayed vuggy porosity. The permeability of the aquifer seems largely dominated by karst structures, specifically fractures that have been widened by dissolution. Instead of intense fracturing, the rock mass generally appears to be characterised by karstification and secondary porosity. The logging and mapping data were finalised in PDF, TXT and AVI formats as supplementary material of: DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2025/0450en
dc.description.sponsorshipAm Standort Hagen, NRW soll der Einsatz von tiefengeothermaler Wärme zur Prozessdampferzeugung erkundet werden. Da die in Deutschland vorgefundenen Temperaturen nicht zur direkten Erzeugung von Industrie-Prozessdampf ausreichen, sollen in diesem Projekt - neben der geologischen Erkundung und Nutzungsplanung - Verfahren zur effizienten und ressourcenschonenden Aufwertung geothermaler Wärme unterschiedlicher Temperatur entwickelt werden.en
dc.subjectBorehole loggingen
dc.subjectOptical televieweren
dc.subjectAcoustic televieweren
dc.subjectKarst aquiferen
dc.subjectWireline loggingen
dc.subjectAcoustic Borehole Imageren
dc.subjectOptical Borehole Imageren
dc.subject.ddcDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::550 Geowissenschaften, Geologie::550 Geowissenschaftenen
dc.subject.ddcDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::550 Geowissenschaften, Geologie::554 Geowissenschaften Europasen
dc.titleWireline logging and video data of a 224 m deep exploration well in a carbonate karst in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanyen
dc.title.alternativeFinalised data of: Optical Borehole Imager, Acoustic Borehole Imager, Calliper, Downhole Videoen
dc.contributor.funderEuropean Commission ECen
dc.contributor.funderFraunhofer-Gesellschaft FhGen
dc.description.technicalinformationPlease refer to the attached README in the data download.en
dc.title.translatedWireline-Logging- und Videodaten einer 224 m tiefen Erkundungsbohrung in einem Karbonatkarst in Hagen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschlandde
fordatis.instituteIEG Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermieen
fordatis.sponsorship.projectnameGeothermale Papiertrocknung. Teilvorhaben: Geothermische Erkundung und Erschließungskonzepten
fordatis.sponsorship.projectacronymKabel Zeroen
fordatis.sponsorship.ResearchFrameworkProgrammEuropäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) 2014‐2020 „Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung“en
Appears in Collections:Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastrukturen und Geothermie IEG

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
Steltenberg_R1_Downhole_Video_17-05-2022_3m-39m.AVIWell R1 Downhole-Video 3m-39m (original AVI)352,82 MBUnknownDownload/Open
Steltenberg_R1_Downhole_Video_17-05-2022_36m-133m.AVIWell R1 Downhole-Video 36m-133m (original AVI)1,18 GBUnknownDownload/Open
Well_R1_OBI.pdfWell R1 OBI Image Log & Calliper33,45 MBAdobe PDFDownload/Open
Well_R1_ABI.pdfWell R1 ABI Image Log & Calliper2,58 MBAdobe PDFDownload/Open
Well_R1_Structure-Log.pdfWell R1 - Results of structure mapping combined with image logs98,73 MBAdobe PDFDownload/Open
Well_R1_Structure-Log-Export-TRUE_OBI-ABI_mapping_04-08-2023.txtWell R1 - Exported results of structure mapping ('Apparent To True Azimuth and Dip' corrected)6,75 kBTextDownload/Open
Readme.pdfReadme file of the entire dataset337,28 kBAdobe PDFDownload/Open

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