Dateien zu dieser Ressource:
Figure2_Lactate.csvLactate production in mM for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.787 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_LDH.csvLactate deyhrodgenase release in U/l for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.387 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_RelativeROS.csvRelative reactive oxygen species synthesis in % of untreated models, for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.685 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure3_DermalThickness.csvDermal thicknesses in µm resulting histological pictures of full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 3.537 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure3_EpidermalThickness.csvEpidermal thicknesses in µm resulting histological pictures of full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 3.480 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure6_LDH.csvLactate deyhrodgenase release in U/l for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment and 20h reperfusion. Data underlying Figure 6.426 BCSVÖffnen/Download
FIgure6_RelativeROS.csvRelative reactive oxygen species synthesis in % of untreated models, for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment and 20h reperfusion. Data underlying Figure 6.538 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure2_Glucose.csvGlucose consumption in mM for full-thickness skin equivalents of three donors A, B, C and different durations of pressure treatment. Data underlying Figure 2.774 BCSVÖffnen/Download
Figure5_PixelDensitiyofProteinLevels.csvRelative change of pixel density of protein levels after 4-hour compression resulting chemiluminescent images of humane cytokine proteome arrays, normalized to a positive reference spot (set to 100 %) for three donors A, B, C. Skin models with 4h compression and 20h reperfusion set in relation to untreated skin models.4,04 kBCSVÖffnen/Download
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