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2025-03-01 Tabular Data Fraunhofer IOSB
Energy Consumption of Production System in SmartFactoryOWL over four days (07.11.2023 t...

Arbesun Perez, Nissrin; Zelba, Franziska

The system is an injection molding production facility that is operated in the SmartFactoryOWL living lab. Plastic cups are produced in a two-cavity mold. The injection molding production consists of an injection molding machine, granulate drying,...

2025-03-01 Tabular Data Fraunhofer IOSB
PV data of SmartFactoryOWL over one week (25.11.2024 to 01.12.2024)

Arbesun Perez, Nissrin; Zelba, Franziska

The data set contains the power generated by a PV system over one week. The PV system has a total output of 55kWp and is located on the roof of the SmartFactoryOWL in Lemgo. The data was recorded with an interval of 5 minutes.

2023-07-26 Tabular Data Fraunhofer ISI
Spatial analysis of renewable and excess heat potentials for climate-neutral district heating i...

Manz, Pia; Billerbeck, Anna et al.

Supplementary datasets to the journal paper in excel format for results and GIS-datasets in vector format for datasets.

2024-12-20 Image Fraunhofer ITWM
HairWidthCracks dataset

Geng, Alexander; Moghiseh, Ali

This repository contains a dataset of images featuring concrete panels, designed to support research and development in image-based analysis and defect detection. The dataset is divided into two main categories: crack images with corresponding mas...

2024-01-15 Image Fraunhofer IPK
VIADUCT: Multisector data set for Visual Industrial Anomaly Detection

Lehr, Jan; Philipps, Jan et al.

VIADUCT data set provides 49 categories of industrial objects with corresponding 135 defect categories.

2024-12-01 Textual Data Fraunhofer ISE
Measurement Data - Reference Electrodes in a segmented Along the Channel PEM Water Electrolysis Cell

Pellegrino, Alessandra; Hensle, Niklas

This data set implies measurement data of two measurements done with laser ablation reference electrodes in a segmented Along the Channel cell for PEM water electrolysis.

2024-11 Tabular Data null
Datensatz zur KI-gestützten Klassifizierung von defekten Sägeblättern an einer Kappsäge mi...

Jongmanns, Marcel

A miter saw was equipped with a sensor node consisting of a wideband MEMS microphone, an accelerometer and an ultrasound transducer. Data has been collected for 4 different saw blades: two different sharp blades, one blunt and one demolished. Ther...